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Winter sale! -20 to -30% on selected NIRMI baby carriers


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Article: Which baby carrier is the right one and what do I have to pay attention to?

Welche Babytrage ist die richtige und worauf muss ich achten?

Which baby carrier is the right one and what do I have to pay attention to?

"Which baby carrier should I choose?" Many new parents are faced with this question at the beginning of parenthood.

For us it is undisputed that carrying offers many advantages. For example, it is an important tool for both parents to bond with the baby. The child can snuggle up and the carrying parents have their hands free.

What should I consider when choosing a baby carrier?

But before parents can really enjoy these advantages, the first question to be asked is: "Which baby carrier is right for me and what should I look out for when choosing?" We talked to Isabelle Philipp-Equey about it. Isabelle is a babywearing consultant and trainer in this area and passes on a great deal of knowledge and experience every day in her Akompani babywearing school .

Isabel Phillip

(C) Guntram Fechtig

"Isabelle, how do I know which baby carrier to choose?"

Isabelle: “The most important thing is that it fits. Both to the adult, or to the adults, as well as to the child. The second important factor is that it's really comfortable. Because if it is not perceived as comfortable, it will not be used. If it pinches, the carrier is too big or too small, it's too complicated to put it on, then it usually stays in the closet. Even if, for example, my best friend thinks a certain carrier is super cool, that does not mean that this carrier also suits me. All parents always have to find that out for themselves.”

"What distinguishes a good baby carrier?"

I: "Of course it's great when it grows with you. This means both in the width of the seat and in the length of the back panel. Especially in the first year of life we ​​have an unbelievable growth in the children. It is important that the back length of the carrier can be easily adjusted to the child. A newborn and a one-year-old are worlds apart. Body weight doubles or triples during this time. The carrier has to be able to absorb that somehow. As in your case with the NIRMI, which can be flexibly adjusted by tilting the hip belt and by adjusting the width of the seat.”

“When can we start carrying? Is there a certain age?”

I: "Basically you can carry babies from the beginning. Extremely premature babies are excluded. It's different there. I like to talk about “maturity born” babies that can basically be carried from birth. Premature babies can also be carried, but it really needs a professional look at it and a well-fitted carrier.”

"Briefly about the materials: do you have favorites or are there fabrics that are particularly suitable for wearing?"

I: “It is essential for healthy carrying that the child is super well supported. The more cuddly the material is and the better it adapts to the child's back, the better it is supported. Air cannot sustain. If the back part of the baby carrier snuggles up well, it is usually easier for the parents to pull the straps really tight. The baby needs this for optimal support.

The question that also arises with some baby carriers - not yours 😉 - is: do I really want polyester on my child? There are various aspects that speak against it, for example that the children sweat more in them. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter whether the fabric is made of linen, hemp or cotton, as long as it's comfortable and soft. The weave or the binding actually makes a bigger difference than the material.”

"In your experience, what are the greatest insecurities of young parents and the most common questions they come to you with during the babywearing consultation?"

I: “Most parents come because they are afraid of doing something wrong. We're at a point where babywearing has almost become a pseudoscience. Many people feel that they can do more wrong than right. Maybe I can take away this fear a bit if I tell parents: 'In the end there are only three points that you have to consider. As long as the face is clear, the child is super-supported, and you and the child are comfortable, you can't go wrong.' Yes, you can get even more benefits if, for example, you adjust the width of the seat correctly. But these are additional benefits and not necessarily serious mistakes if you don't do it. In my experience, the fear of making mistakes is a frequent reason why babywearing advice is sought. In addition, many have simply lost the overview because there is a high supply and it is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to evaluate which one fits best. I like to compare it to buying a car. I don't know anything about cars, but I'm supposed to buy a new car. The market is huge. What am I looking for? Where am I? What am I doing? We at the babywearing advice are then the ones who can carry through this abundance. We can identify options and provide guidance on what may suit each parent.”

"Is there an absolute no-go for you? A mistake not to make?”

I: “Wear it too loose. Parents should make sure that the children are sufficiently involved. If the baby carrier is adjusted too loosely, I actually risk the child's health. It collapses and falls forward. This can even go so far that the airways become obstructed. Therefore please always: tighten, tighten, tighten. To close the loop: this is where the fabrics come into play again. The more snuggly these are, the more confident I feel as a parent that they're really tight. I mustn't have the feeling that I'm pulling a board towards the child. This feeling does not arise with soft, cuddly and cuddly fabrics and the parents really dare to pull everything tight. This is where the material comes full circle.”

"Last but not least: how would you describe the NIRMI in three sentences?"

I: “The NIRMI is a baby carrier that is very easy to put on. It has a good additional benefit for parents who make their decisions with mindfulness and also want to do something good with the purchase. Because the NIRMI baby carrier grows with you and can be flexibly adjusted, it is also suitable for carrying many different children.”

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